Beloved Uncle I Never Met

Submitted by Laurie

After a particularly dark time, I ran from God in shame. Of course I missed him dearly and the Spirit was continually calling me back to the Father, but I found it so hard to pray or read Scripture. About a year ago, I found my favorite TK sermon on youtube, Born Into Hope. Then I downloaded the Gospel in Life podcast and listen daily, ofttimes repeating the episodes. Since childhood I have resonated with Lucy Pevensie and still do at 53! I feel as though Tim Keller was Professor Kirke or a beloved uncle and so many comments on instagram were similar and I felt like we were all school chums missing our teacher. Imagining Uncle Tim in glory is making me chase so hard to know the heart of Jesus and treasure my inheritance stored for me.

The day after TK died I was listening to the podcast while hiking with my blind Labrador, Jim, who got separated from me and stood stock still, lost til I whistled for him. I could see exactly where my dog was and I thought how I am never lost to Jesus and tears came hard and fast. I wished I could ask TK “why does realizing that God knows exactly where I am always make my heart ache and bring tears?” Immediately in the sermon in my earbuds, Tim quoted the Lord of the Rings: “their hearts were wounded with sweet words…pain and delight finally flow together where tears are the very wine of blessedness”

Thank you