It’s all about the Gospel

Submitted by Rhys

Tim’s sermons have accompanied me on many a morning commute to and from work. I have been a Christian for many years, but until I started listening to Tim’s sermons, I realize that I have never truly understood the gospel. God has used Tim to bring the gospel into my heart and changed my heart, and Tim’s life and sermons have been a big part of why I know that God is real.

So many times when listening to Tim, my eyes have been opened, my spirit lifted and my heart softened. I feel that I know Tim, even though I have never met him, and I think it’s because he has embodied God’s love for his audience.

I am grateful for Tim’s faithful and tireless service in the ministry of the Word, especially in the current hostile culture we live in. I will miss this faithful servant of God, but I rejoice that He is now in everlasting and glorious communion with our precious Saviour. I ache for Tim’s family and pray for God’s peace and love to be with you, that you will be comforted and encouraged by the many lives globally that Tim has touched with his life and faithful service, and that you too will continue to run the race, to fight the good fight, until the day we shall all meet Tim again.

Rhys (Singapore)