Thank You Tim

Submitted by Eli

When I was a freshman in high school, I was recognizing that path I was on was empty. Growing up in a Christian home, I knew all the answers to the Sunday school questions. Still, everything wrong in the world seemed so big, and I was alone, and so small. And then, one day, my mother recommended I listened to a sermon by Tim Keller. I recognized the name from a bible study she had done years ago, but never really had listened to a sermon outside of a regular church service. After listening to the sermon, I was instantly hooked. I binged Tim’s sermons, and couldn’t get enough. I was right in understanding how small I was, but I never had understood, how big God is. Tim Keller helped me understand how how radically loved I was. He showed me how beautiful Jesus is. I went through a period, of heavy anxiety, and when I felt overwhelmed, I would turn on Gospel in life podcasts. And listen to a kind, gentle voice, speak of how “Everything sad, will become untrue.” If it had not been for Tim Keller, I’m not sure if I would be a Christian. It always felt more than just a voice listening to Tim, it felt like a spiritual feeder. I am vehemently praying for all of your family. Even though we have never met, I love and appreciate all that your family has done for me and so many more. Thank you.
